Time to share some recent personal insights into the wonderful aspect of food selection.
I have recently noticed that what I eat when I commence my day, tends to set the tone for food choices throughout the rest of the day. I have been observing in myself what happens when I am perhaps in a rush in the morning, and have cereal or even toast for breakfast;
I justify it sometimes by feeling I need a change from a green smoothie or healthy juice, or I don't feel like making the effort to make something different for myself when others are eating toast, eggs & coffee. My feelings are....anything for some carbs to dull my senses right now, not to have to explain the healthy choice I am making & simply to be like everyone else!
I have recognized that toast & cereal definitely sets the tone then for my day, with often a sandwich for lunch followed by pasta, rice or potatoes with dinner ! Humm!
Needless to say, a day of skipping over my emotions as well!
There is a lot in this for me...... I suggest no co-incidence that health & well being are low on my self love list that day, in fact sadly "love & appreciation of my body" has been very low on my priority list for many years!
The same applies when I start my day with a veggie or green juice, perhaps a smoothie or even a fruit salad. By lunch time I am far more likely to automatically put together a nice fresh mixed salad with perhaps a few soaked almonds, or even dive into some hummus & crudites; dinner comes around & I find myself feeling like a veggie soup or lightly steamed veggies, perhaps even followed by a small slice of Raw Desert. What a revelation to consciously truly "feel" the difference in my body after a day of eating this way !
Every cell is singing " thank you!"
I have been reflecting on my emotional state and the association between this & the food choice I make in that moment. Healthy choices walk hand in hand with being humble & feeling my emotions, this I now know as truth for me. Generally when I am in resistance or fear, I head for the carbs to stuff down those uncomfortable feelings, or I eat for the sake of eating rather than actually being hungry!
I have found it worth experimenting to see if I eat when the clock says I should because lunch is normally between 12md & 1pm, or do I only eat when the body says it is hungry. I have discovered I usually eat as a result of life's patterning & using food to dull my senses is a great way to avoid anger, grief or whatever emotion I don't want to feel in that moment. Many times I am not hungry at all or I am thirsty rather than actually hungry!
More recently I am drawn to eat only twice a day, about 10am & 3-4pm, it doesn't always work out this way but my body appreciates it more when I do this.
To give you an example.....how often do you reach for the chocolate or in my case, cheese(!) because you feel you need a treat or are longing for some food associated with nurturing or child-like familiarity; as a child my Mum always served desert to complete Dinner, she said it wasn't a proper meal without desert! So what does this tell me now about my beliefs?
Perhaps you reach for the coffee pot first thing in the morning to wake yourself up or later in the day to gain some instant energy! All these addictions become so entrenched. Even gaining an understanding of this does not always break the habit; I still often breeze through the day in numb ignorance choosing to totally ignore the consequences and the choices I am making, both physically & at soul level! But I am also discovering IGNORANCE IS NOT BLISS!!
Our behavior does catch up with us, so please consider not leaving it as late as I have to discover all this.
Your body will thank you for the gift.
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Plant your Garden
PLANT THREE ROWS OF PEAS: Peace of heart, loving God Peace of mind, knowing I invest in my soul first Peace of soul, understanding the importance of Love, Truth & Humility in order to grow PLANT FOUR ROWS OF SQUASH: Squash gossip Squash indifference and apathy Squash expectations of others and unloving behaviour Squash selfishness PLANT FOUR ROWS LETTUCE: Lettuce be passionate in growing our soul and seek earnestly to receive Divine love from our Father Lettuce desire to always feel our emotions Lettuce be willing to live in truth and honor truth at all times Lettuce really love one another and have a true desire to really know ourselves No garden is without Turnips: Turnip to learn new things Turnip for service Turnip to help one another Conclude our garden plantings by adding Thyme: Thyme for God Thyme for each other
Thyme to engage our passions and desires
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
A Raw Mexican Feast
Our Mexican Class last week-end was the final Raw Food Class for the year; we had quite a feast with Enchiladas with Colorado Chili Sauce, topped with Avocado Creme Fraiche ; Mexican Seasoned Cabbage which surprisingly, was a real hit; a beautiful fresh green salad with honey mustard dressing, spiced walnut and cherry brownies with banana ice-cream and all washed down with Pina Coladas!
What Fun!
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A selection of foods from our Mexican lunch is represented on the counter, thanks to Teresa for her photograph |
Recipe for Mexican Seasoned Cabbage:
Shred 1/4 head of cabbage
Add & gently toss
1/4 cup peas
2 tabs sundried tomato powder
1 thinly sliced shallot
1 tab preferred oil
1/2 tea salt
1/4 tea chili powder or flakes
1/4 tea ground cumin, onion powder and minced garlic
1/2 diced tomato
One could add corn, spiced sunflower seeds or even curry instead of the tomato powder for a change in flavour. This dish can then be warmed for an hour in the dehydrator, or eaten cold.
Some "angels" from our Raw Food Class also assisted me in preparing and serving Dinner a couple of nights after the Class for the Landcare Group, an environmental local community group who organize specialist events. Thank you to everyone who helped with the food and especially to Eloisa who made a beautiful mushroom pie and salad.
We had a great attendance of interested people and many were appreciative of the delicious 3 course meal we served; it was a very informative evening looking at a collection of live specimens and learning about many of the creatures that live on our property including various varieties of frogs & geckos, bats, possums, sugar gliders, snakes, lizards and owls just to name a few; seeing some of them with a spot light afterwards added to the interest. I even took the opportunity to stroke my first snake which had to be an emotional breakthrough for me!!
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Raw Lasagnes
Playing in the Raw Food Class a month or two ago, I decided to share the techniques I had learnt in making a Raw Lasagne. It was a fun class & thanks to Teresa in capturing the finished product on camera below.
I have since been reflecting on Lasagne and the many different layers that make up the delicious combination of ultimate flavours; if any layer is not complementing the others, then the end result is no longer flavorsome to the palete.
Food For Thought:
I can see that this analogy is like the many layers that form part of our soul ! When any layer of our many aspects of personality, actions, passion or desire is emotionally out of harmony with God's Laws ( like unresolved anger, fear, grief or unloving behaviour as the example) it has a profound effect on our soul & our ability to directly connect to God. The layers of our soul need to ultimately reflect that harmony in all aspects, just as the layers of the Raw Lasagne must reflect that harmony to achieve the ultimate flavour!
Fun, eh?
Raw Lasagne I made in one of the Raw Food Classes. |
Raw Lasagne for worms and other living organisms |
Hay layer of raw lasagne for worms |
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Shazzie's Toothpaste
This month's recipe is certainly a little different, but I thought some of you may like to try it. It is not a food recipe although it is safe enough to eat, but a recipe we can use on our precious teeth. It is easy to make & will last a long time.
The Recipe originated from Shazzie who has a Raw Food Store in the UK and who also authored Naked Chocolate with David Wolfe. Thank You, Shazzie.
It will make your teeth white over time & keep them smooth; it can be flavoured with whatever organic essential oil you choose to use.
2 teas coconut oil
2 teas sodium bicarbonate
6 drops peppermint essential oil
(Optional) Add 2 teas Xylitol which is a sweetener
The Recipe originated from Shazzie who has a Raw Food Store in the UK and who also authored Naked Chocolate with David Wolfe. Thank You, Shazzie.
It will make your teeth white over time & keep them smooth; it can be flavoured with whatever organic essential oil you choose to use.
2 teas coconut oil
2 teas sodium bicarbonate
6 drops peppermint essential oil
(Optional) Add 2 teas Xylitol which is a sweetener
Friday, 12 October 2012
Opportunity to Cater another Community Event
Hello Everyone,
I have been asked to cater Dinner for another Community Landcare Event to be held at Kyabra on the 15th November. This gives me a wonderful opportunity to create a mouth watering meal for "Not Sure How Many" to indulge in, as part of a gathering here at Kyabra to measure, record & access night life & creature activity on the property after dark. With so many Environmental Projects already underway on the property, this will give us a benchmark of night time Australian wildlife recordings for this property to use in the years ahead.Everyone is welcome to attend.
I am still oohing & ahhing over what limitless possibilities I have in my repertoire as a delicious menu for such an event........with snow falling outside to-day & it's October, surely we will be thinking Summer by then !.....but who truly knows, what fun though in the unknown?
I am looking forward to catching up with some of you on Sunday for a Mediterranean Bonanza in our monthly Raw Food Class, the proposed menu will surprise & delight with lots of tastings.
Anyone wishing to assist me in the Catering of the Landcare Event can contact me at susan@kyabra.com
I have been asked to cater Dinner for another Community Landcare Event to be held at Kyabra on the 15th November. This gives me a wonderful opportunity to create a mouth watering meal for "Not Sure How Many" to indulge in, as part of a gathering here at Kyabra to measure, record & access night life & creature activity on the property after dark. With so many Environmental Projects already underway on the property, this will give us a benchmark of night time Australian wildlife recordings for this property to use in the years ahead.Everyone is welcome to attend.
I am still oohing & ahhing over what limitless possibilities I have in my repertoire as a delicious menu for such an event........with snow falling outside to-day & it's October, surely we will be thinking Summer by then !.....but who truly knows, what fun though in the unknown?
I am looking forward to catching up with some of you on Sunday for a Mediterranean Bonanza in our monthly Raw Food Class, the proposed menu will surprise & delight with lots of tastings.
Anyone wishing to assist me in the Catering of the Landcare Event can contact me at susan@kyabra.com
Monday, 24 September 2012
All Creatures Great & Small
I recently attended an Environment Day on our property led by our wonderful Teachers, Mary & Jeshua.It proved to be a very insightful morning; it was a painful awakening to emotionally understand & admit how we have such expectations & demands on all living things to sustain us, and yet we do not consider the consequences of taking from the Earth constantly; Despite the fact that we apply lots of mulch & compost to our home garden to improve the soil, I now recognise in myself my own demands and expectations from our veggie patch and how upset I become if the produce isn't ready to pick on time, has little taste & flavour or some insect or grub has stolen from the perfection I am expecting to harvest! How often are we able to simply give to the land and our environment without any expectation of reward? How often do we consider the Universe of creatures, insects, fungi, bacteria, & microbes and provide homes, food & shelter for them to multiply & live in harmony with everything else; I even had a vision of all these little creatures ducking for cover when the pesticides, natural, organic or otherwise, come out to eliminate "undesirables" as we view them, in our veggie patches! Or do we squash them as we pick them from the vine or tree, without thought?
I found to reflect on my motive in giving to the land in relation to receiving from it, a sobering introspection. I suggest that the balance is generally swayed totally towards what we can get from the land ( in most cases, our veggie garden) in the quickest possible time & with the least input, whether it be labour or cost related. I reflected on my impatience, my demands and expectations of the rewards in store and my lack of trust in God's abundance. The pressure we place on the Nature Kingdom to perform and our disappointment when it doesn't or rather can't because of man's ignorance, is quite overwhelming. If only we recognised that in giving and creating total Living self sustaining Eco Systems from the soil up, all else would be provided in inconceivable abundance automatically.
I have even had to consider and feel my own unlovingness in mowing my lawns, an ignorant and arrogant addiction in believing I can make things look better than God can! Oh whow......just think of all the little creatures trying to establish their colonies that I destroy without a thought, in the process. To say I feel mortified intellectually in this realisation, is an understatement, but in my heart I remain in conflict at this point, and try to justify to myself the benefits of a tidy well kept property....the thought of grass up to my ears around our home is daunting to put it mildly, I argue with myself that there must be a balance somewhere in all of these reflections, and that this is simply taking things too far!! Perhaps my bartering techniques with my Creator need to be escalated in order to stay addicted to my old belief systems!!
This takes Raw Living Foods to a whole new level of appreciation and love, doesn't it?
Each of us may choose to consider these things and recognise the opportunity for us to change our ways & grow in Love & Appreciation of All Creatures Great & Small. It's in changing our hearts, that magic happens; I like to believe I embrace change, but have recently discovered that there is an element of "it has to be on my terms" which challenges this belief in myself !
Anyone wishing to explore ideas from the Environment Day in Pictures,
may do so at www.peter-eloisa.blogspot.com.au
may do so at www.peter-eloisa.blogspot.com.au
Monday, 3 September 2012
UTube Raw Food exerts with Susan
A few months ago Igor & Lena made a few U Tube clips of me making Raw Food in our kitchen at home. I thought you might like to see them, as there are a few new recipes there for you to enjoy.
I would like to thank Igor & Lena for their time & expertise & for making these available. Thank you to my grand daughter, Izabella & son, Peter for joining me in a couple of the clips and also thank you to Living Light for these recipes that I received whilst doing my Gourmet Raw Food training.
20120724 Hospitality Team - Children, Emotions & Cooking
20120724 Hospitality Team - Knife Skills
20120724 Hospitality Team - Pineapple Lemongrette Dressing
20120724 Hospitality Team - Herb Pesto w Zucchini Noodles
20120724 Hospitality Team - Bon Bon Sauce
20120724 Hospitality Team - Pear Ginger Cheese Cake
20120724 Hospitality Team - Introduction & Chocolate Mouse w Strawberry Cream
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
God's Pharmacy
I recently received an e-mail from a friend that I found most interesting. You may have had a similiar e-mail at some point, but I think it gives us lots of "food for thought" & reminds us of just how magical the interconnection of all things, really is. God's Veggie & Nature Kingdom really does support our body with all of it's nutritional needs & below are just a few veggies & nuts to give you a basic idea of the perplexity of His Creation; I am more & more aware of how little I know about the absolute depth of love our Creator actually has for us all....it is beyond my comprehension just how extraordinary everything truly is; how often I simply take our planet for granted, without any real appreciation of the awe inspiring world we live in.
I would Like to thank Richard Cassaro for his pictures & notations below; some might consider this information as purely coincidental, non scientific & mystical nonsense, but I prefer to ponder on such "Design", as I do not believe in God's Creation being......"coincidential" as some like to suggest!
Richard mentions the "Doctrine of Signatures", & it seems that this knowledge goes back many thousands of years.
"The Doctrine of Signatures" states that the physical form of a plant gives a clue as to its healing purposes. In the New King James version of the Holy Bible, it states, "And God said, ‘See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.’" ~Genesis 1:29. Several European herbalists from the past believed that God Himself left us clues as to what plants are most beneficial to specific ailments and body parts. Although the science of nutrition was not known then, the application of this principle through careful observation was memorialized in early herbal texts and has been revived today in homeopathy, herbalism and the study of flower essences.
I am sure being Humble & Feeling every emotion fully in our daily life remains the major key to our Health & Wellbeing......Emotional Processing, Truth & Love are definitely the corner stones for a fulfilled & happy life; perhaps this information below is yet another addition, a secondary key that may guide our decisions in the foods we choose to eat and the nutritional benefits to the body.
Article by Richard Cassaro
I would Like to thank Richard Cassaro for his pictures & notations below; some might consider this information as purely coincidental, non scientific & mystical nonsense, but I prefer to ponder on such "Design", as I do not believe in God's Creation being......"coincidential" as some like to suggest!
Richard mentions the "Doctrine of Signatures", & it seems that this knowledge goes back many thousands of years.
"The Doctrine of Signatures" states that the physical form of a plant gives a clue as to its healing purposes. In the New King James version of the Holy Bible, it states, "And God said, ‘See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.’" ~Genesis 1:29. Several European herbalists from the past believed that God Himself left us clues as to what plants are most beneficial to specific ailments and body parts. Although the science of nutrition was not known then, the application of this principle through careful observation was memorialized in early herbal texts and has been revived today in homeopathy, herbalism and the study of flower essences.
I am sure being Humble & Feeling every emotion fully in our daily life remains the major key to our Health & Wellbeing......Emotional Processing, Truth & Love are definitely the corner stones for a fulfilled & happy life; perhaps this information below is yet another addition, a secondary key that may guide our decisions in the foods we choose to eat and the nutritional benefits to the body.
Article by Richard Cassaro
The Doctrine of Signatures is profound ancient wisdom that is purposely being suppressed. It states that every fruit and vegetable has a certain pattern that resembles a body organ, and that this pattern acts as a signal or sign as to that fruit or vegetable’s benefit to us. Modern science confirms that the ancient “Doctrine of Signatures” is astoundingly accurate. Why does this vital knowledge remain hidden?
The healing and nourishing properties of any fruit or vegetable reflected in, and ultimately revealed by, that fruit or vegetables’ outer physical shape, form, or “signature” in relation to the human body.
Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function—and they look exactly like human kidneys:

A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds on the nut are just like the neo-cortex. We now know walnuts help develop brain function:

The cross section of a Carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye. And science now shows carrots greatly enhance blood flow to the eyes and aid in the general function of the eyes:

Celery looks just like bones. Celery specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23 percent sodium and these foods are 23 percent sodium. If you don’t have enough sodium in your diet, the body pulls it from the bones, thus making them weak. Foods like celery replenish the skeletal needs of the body:

Avocadoes target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female—they look just like these organs. Avocadoes help women balance hormones, shed unwanted birth weight, and deter cervical cancers. It takes exactly nine months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit:

Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the mobility of male sperm and increase the numbers of Sperm as well to overcome male sterility:

Slice a Mushroom in half and it resembles a human ear. Mushrooms have been found to improve hearing, as mushrooms are one of the few foods that contain vitamin D. This particular vitamin is important for healthy bones, even the tiny ones in the ear that transmit sound to the brain:

Our lungs are made up of branches of ever-smaller airways that finish up with tiny bunches of tissue called alveoli. These structures, which resemble bunches of Grapes, allow oxygen to pass from the lungs to the blood stream. A diet high in fresh fruit, such as grapes, has been shown to reduce the risk of lung cancer and emphysema. Grape seeds also contain a chemical called proanthocyanidin, which appears to reduce the severity of asthma triggered by allergy:

Ginger, commonly sold in supermarkets, often looks just like the stomach. So its interesting that one of its biggest benefits is aiding digestion. The Chinese have been using it for over 2,000 years to calm the stomach and cure nausea, while it is also a popular remedy for motion sickness:

Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics:

Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries:
help develop brain function:
The healing and nourishing properties of any fruit or vegetable reflected in, and ultimately revealed by, that fruit or vegetables’ outer physical shape, form, or “signature” in relation to the human body.
Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function—and they look exactly like human kidneys:

A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds on the nut are just like the neo-cortex. We now know walnuts help develop brain function:

The cross section of a Carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye. And science now shows carrots greatly enhance blood flow to the eyes and aid in the general function of the eyes:

Celery looks just like bones. Celery specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23 percent sodium and these foods are 23 percent sodium. If you don’t have enough sodium in your diet, the body pulls it from the bones, thus making them weak. Foods like celery replenish the skeletal needs of the body:

Avocadoes target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female—they look just like these organs. Avocadoes help women balance hormones, shed unwanted birth weight, and deter cervical cancers. It takes exactly nine months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit:

Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the mobility of male sperm and increase the numbers of Sperm as well to overcome male sterility:

Slice a Mushroom in half and it resembles a human ear. Mushrooms have been found to improve hearing, as mushrooms are one of the few foods that contain vitamin D. This particular vitamin is important for healthy bones, even the tiny ones in the ear that transmit sound to the brain:

Our lungs are made up of branches of ever-smaller airways that finish up with tiny bunches of tissue called alveoli. These structures, which resemble bunches of Grapes, allow oxygen to pass from the lungs to the blood stream. A diet high in fresh fruit, such as grapes, has been shown to reduce the risk of lung cancer and emphysema. Grape seeds also contain a chemical called proanthocyanidin, which appears to reduce the severity of asthma triggered by allergy:

Ginger, commonly sold in supermarkets, often looks just like the stomach. So its interesting that one of its biggest benefits is aiding digestion. The Chinese have been using it for over 2,000 years to calm the stomach and cure nausea, while it is also a popular remedy for motion sickness:

Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics:

Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries:
help develop brain function:
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
On Making a Decision
If you are reading this, then may I suggest that there is a large part of you that desires to be healthy, both physically & emotionally, & to incorporate more living foods into your diet.
Living Food is the yummiest food on earth, it is where all other flavors come from. The basic flavors, textures, colors & the amazing smell of fresh, ripe individual living foods are given to us from God's Nature Kingdom. All of these things have something divinely perfect in their essence; we can see and feel a part of God's individual nature here; His/Her sense of design, magnificent beauty & perfection and His/Her Love for us in providing such luscious abundance, it's truly awesome! I have found that Gratitude naturally arises from this conscious experience.
As we eat more & more raw living foods, we are coming into an age of sumptuous orchestrations and true masterpieces which not just please the palate but invigorate our whole being, bringing us more in touch with ourselves & our emotions, both pleasurable & otherwise. This gives us the opportunity both physically & emotionally, to heal those parts within us that are not serving who we really are & become more of who we were born to be; by truly connecting with "the feeling" that the human soul is "the Pinnacle of God's Creation" allows us to recognise our beauteous qualities as well as our addictions, false beliefs & attitudes that we may have discovered & those emotional injuries we carry, inflicted by ourselves & others.
Just know that being humble enough to feel through the many layers of these darker truths about ourselves, brings a New Awakening, Passion & Desire to embrace Life more fully in all it's wonderment!
When I sit down to enjoy my meal, I "take two".......first I look at my plate & take in how beautiful it looks with such an array of living colour.......then I close my eyes & smell the food......I take a mouthful with my eyes closed & truly taste it, identifying if possible, individual ingredients that make up the dish....I become aware of texture, the balance of flavors & aftertaste if there is any.....& the pleasure possibly surging through my body, the delight I get in such a sumptuous feast! I find this has become a wonderful thing for me to do; appreciation naturally rises to the fore & a deep gratitude for the blessings given to me freely, from our Creator.
A Few Meal Planning Ideas you may like to try, supporting 90% Raw Living Food Choices
Raw recipes for suggestions below can be sourced on the internet.
On Waking
I like to have a big drink of fresh water, (sometimes with a squeeze of lemon)
Lunch and/or Dinner
I like to drink lots of fresh water by choice, sometimes a herbal tea. If I feel like a snack I usually go for some soaked nuts, fresh fruit or even a couple of carrot & celery sticks.
I wish you Healthy Choices & amazing results on simply "Making A Decision"
Love Susan
Living Food is the yummiest food on earth, it is where all other flavors come from. The basic flavors, textures, colors & the amazing smell of fresh, ripe individual living foods are given to us from God's Nature Kingdom. All of these things have something divinely perfect in their essence; we can see and feel a part of God's individual nature here; His/Her sense of design, magnificent beauty & perfection and His/Her Love for us in providing such luscious abundance, it's truly awesome! I have found that Gratitude naturally arises from this conscious experience.
As we eat more & more raw living foods, we are coming into an age of sumptuous orchestrations and true masterpieces which not just please the palate but invigorate our whole being, bringing us more in touch with ourselves & our emotions, both pleasurable & otherwise. This gives us the opportunity both physically & emotionally, to heal those parts within us that are not serving who we really are & become more of who we were born to be; by truly connecting with "the feeling" that the human soul is "the Pinnacle of God's Creation" allows us to recognise our beauteous qualities as well as our addictions, false beliefs & attitudes that we may have discovered & those emotional injuries we carry, inflicted by ourselves & others.
Just know that being humble enough to feel through the many layers of these darker truths about ourselves, brings a New Awakening, Passion & Desire to embrace Life more fully in all it's wonderment!
When I sit down to enjoy my meal, I "take two".......first I look at my plate & take in how beautiful it looks with such an array of living colour.......then I close my eyes & smell the food......I take a mouthful with my eyes closed & truly taste it, identifying if possible, individual ingredients that make up the dish....I become aware of texture, the balance of flavors & aftertaste if there is any.....& the pleasure possibly surging through my body, the delight I get in such a sumptuous feast! I find this has become a wonderful thing for me to do; appreciation naturally rises to the fore & a deep gratitude for the blessings given to me freely, from our Creator.
A Few Meal Planning Ideas you may like to try, supporting 90% Raw Living Food Choices
Raw recipes for suggestions below can be sourced on the internet.
On Waking
I like to have a big drink of fresh water, (sometimes with a squeeze of lemon)
- Smoothies
- Green Juice
- Fresh fruit/ fruit salad with coconut, nut or seed yogurt
- Nut milk
- Sprouted buckwheat Granola
Lunch and/or Dinner
- A large green salad with a variety of veggies & sprouts, with a dressing of choice every day
- Crudites & raw crackers with a dip, a pate or a seed cheese
- Wraps or Rolls, using lettuce, or Asian greens to wrap your filling
- A raw veggie curry or veggie stir fry
- Raw Pizza or a piece of Lasagne or a Burger with a sauce of choice & perhaps a small salad
- A Veggie Soup, slightly warmed with a Nori or Rice Paper Roll ( these are not strickly raw)
- Stuffed Mushrooms with basil pesto & salad ( I like to constantly change the salad combinations & dressings for variety & flavor)
- Guacamole with a selection of raw veggies and or crackers; I sometimes add some sprouted herbed grain like millet or quinoa;buckwheat, although not technically a grain, is also delicious
- Crepes can be a lovely change with a filling & sauce of choice
- A Theme Dinner Try Asian, Mediterranean, Mexican, Indian for a change. ( recipes for raw foods using these themes are readily available on the internet)
- Smoothie sometimes if I didn't have one for breakfast & I'm in a hurry.
- Nut butter spread on some crackers with avocado, tomato & sprouts
- If you are desiring something sweet, try finishing the meal with a piece of raw desert ( pie, cake, pudding, cookie or even a couple of raw homemade chocolates!), otherwise some fresh fruit. I personally tend to make this a treat occasionally, not a daily occurence!
I like to drink lots of fresh water by choice, sometimes a herbal tea. If I feel like a snack I usually go for some soaked nuts, fresh fruit or even a couple of carrot & celery sticks.
I wish you Healthy Choices & amazing results on simply "Making A Decision"
Love Susan
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
Upcoming Classes & revisiting Sinless Indulgences
There has been some slight changes to the next 3 months of our All Raw Vegan Gourmet Classes. If you desire to attend please notify me 1 week prior to the class either by e-mail susan@kyabra.com or by phone 02 67787469 The Classes continue to operate by donation.
5th August
All Australian Comfort Foods:
Anyone for Veggie Pizza, Living Lasagne with Marinara Sauce, Lentil Burgers with Cucumber Dill Sauce, Green Energy Winter Soup, Trail Mix Protein Bars.
14th October
Flavours of the Mediterranean:
Dolmas ( stuffed grape leaves) with Chilli Mint Cream, Falafel Balls with a Savoury Zucchini Hummus Dressing, Olive Tapenade on Mediterranean Flat Bread, Cinnamon Apple Torte
11th November
Mexican Fiesta:
Enchiladas with Chilli Colorado Sauce, Tacos with Guacamole Salsa & Sour Cream, Mexican Style Seasoned Cabbage, Mexican Spiced Brownie with Vanilla Icecream
Whow what fun we all had in the kitchen last week-end, creating numerous rich & indulgent Raw chocolates, deserts & tasty treats! I would like to thank our resident "Queen" of Raw home made Chocolates, Eloisa, for being my guest chef for the morning; the chocolates you made were truly divine, so a big thank you.
Requests were made during the class for two chocolate deserts, one using avocado & another banana, as a less intense chocolate treat. The first recipe is provided by Cherie Soria, the Director of Living Light from her book, Raw Food Revolution, & the Chocolate Mousse is a Judita Wignall creation........so thank you.
Carob Banana Pudding 6 servings
6 large bananas
6 pitted prunes
1/2 cup carob powder
2 Tab of preferred sweetener ( maple syrup, honey, evaporated cane juice or agave)
2 Tea vanilla extract
1/2 tea cinnamon
Pinch of salt
Combine all ingredients in a blender & process until smooth & creamy. This can be poured into a tart or simply used as a pudding with cashew cream.
Orange Chocolate Mousse 6-8 servings
2 ripe avocados
2/3 cup raw cacao or carob powder
3/4 cup agave
grated orange zest
Place all ingredients into a food processor & blend until smooth, add more avocado if the consistency is too thin. This makes a delicious Orange Chocolate Mousse, or can be layered in a parfait glass with vanilla cream & candied orange for a simple but delicious treat. Yum Yum....enjoy everyone!
5th August
All Australian Comfort Foods:
Anyone for Veggie Pizza, Living Lasagne with Marinara Sauce, Lentil Burgers with Cucumber Dill Sauce, Green Energy Winter Soup, Trail Mix Protein Bars.
14th October
Flavours of the Mediterranean:
Dolmas ( stuffed grape leaves) with Chilli Mint Cream, Falafel Balls with a Savoury Zucchini Hummus Dressing, Olive Tapenade on Mediterranean Flat Bread, Cinnamon Apple Torte
11th November
Mexican Fiesta:
Enchiladas with Chilli Colorado Sauce, Tacos with Guacamole Salsa & Sour Cream, Mexican Style Seasoned Cabbage, Mexican Spiced Brownie with Vanilla Icecream
Whow what fun we all had in the kitchen last week-end, creating numerous rich & indulgent Raw chocolates, deserts & tasty treats! I would like to thank our resident "Queen" of Raw home made Chocolates, Eloisa, for being my guest chef for the morning; the chocolates you made were truly divine, so a big thank you.
Requests were made during the class for two chocolate deserts, one using avocado & another banana, as a less intense chocolate treat. The first recipe is provided by Cherie Soria, the Director of Living Light from her book, Raw Food Revolution, & the Chocolate Mousse is a Judita Wignall creation........so thank you.
Carob Banana Pudding 6 servings
6 large bananas
6 pitted prunes
1/2 cup carob powder
2 Tab of preferred sweetener ( maple syrup, honey, evaporated cane juice or agave)
2 Tea vanilla extract
1/2 tea cinnamon
Pinch of salt
Combine all ingredients in a blender & process until smooth & creamy. This can be poured into a tart or simply used as a pudding with cashew cream.
Orange Chocolate Mousse 6-8 servings
2 ripe avocados
2/3 cup raw cacao or carob powder
3/4 cup agave
grated orange zest
Place all ingredients into a food processor & blend until smooth, add more avocado if the consistency is too thin. This makes a delicious Orange Chocolate Mousse, or can be layered in a parfait glass with vanilla cream & candied orange for a simple but delicious treat. Yum Yum....enjoy everyone!
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Dehydrated Foods and Emotions
The nice thing about dehydrated foods is that whilst we still have an addiction for cooked foods, eating these in moderation, eases the passage towards including more raw foods & variety in our diet. The thing to remember is that these foods are no longer live & vibrant although are considered raw in the Raw Food World, and they are very dehydrating if eaten without reconstituting them; an example of this is the wonderful array of crackers & breads that can be part of a raw food diet.
I have personally found that I have had an emotion "that I want my food to taste like everything I have ever known", which means at times, I am still seeking the pleasure of home cooked food associated with perceived mother nurturing issues as a child! This has extended beyond chosing living vegan foods over cooked vegan foods, to dairy products which of course are Not vegan.....cheese, glorious cheese in particular, being one of my big addictions ! It has been a gradual process eliminating cheese from my diet, & even now I struggle at times, simply craving it!!
But am I craving the actual cheese or an unfullfilled emotion in that moment? For me, this has been very closely aligned with what I have previously considered & believed to be"mother nurturing" & when I am feeling lonely or unloved, these addictions for cheese in particular & also dairy products, kick in; at this point I need to Stop and fully Feel the emotion at hand, rather than raid the refrigorator looking for cheese...(any cheese at this point!) & each time I stop & do this, I find the process gets easier & the craving instantly stops. Another aspect to this has been sabotaging my desire to truly love & value myself in this same moment.........I intellectually know that living foods are the very best choice I can make, so why don't I automatically choose these delicious foods that God has provided each & everytime? What a gift to see & feel how closely my emotions are connected to certain foods. Knowing it intellectually is one thing, but feeling it in one's heart & experiencing it first hand, is quite another.
You may come to recognise that the "true power of raw organic lifeforce foods come from your own veggie garden or the farmer's markets." Connecting with farmers who love the earth and take pleasure in sharing the fruits of their labour with those who are connoiseurs of Earth's Bounty, is a real gift & one that will contribute to a healthier menu on family tables.
Raw Food Categories
Top 10 Raw Food Categories for
Vibrant Health
Plus fresh water, water, water!!
1. Deeply colored foods high in phytonutrients
and antioxidants that combat free-radical damage and promote eye health.
Examples include blue or purple foods such as blueberries, blackberries,
black mission figs and beets
- 2. Leafy greens like collard greens,
kale, spinach, Swiss chard, dandelion greens, beet greens
3. Yellow-orange fruits and vegetables such as squash, peaches, sweet potatoes, carrots; and red bell peppers
4. Grasses and algaes, such as wheat grass, barley grass, leafy green sprouts, blue green algae from Klamath Lake, spirulina and chlorella.
5. Foods high in vitamin C, such as lemons, oranges, grapefruit, peaches, strawberries, pineapples, mangoes, papaya, kiwi, cantaloupe, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, bell peppers, romaine lettuce, kale, and mustard greens.
- 6. Foods containing omega 3 fatty acids, such
as chia, flax, and hemp seeds and dark green leafy vegetables like kale,
romaine, and dandelion greens.
8. Foods containing zinc, such as pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, cashews, and lentils.
9. Foods containing iodine, such as kelp and dulse.
10. Hydrating foods, such as juicy fruits, high-water-content vegetables, and of course good quality pure water.
Please remember that being humble ( which is fully feeling every emotion in the moment), following our passions and desires and actively pursuing Divine Truth & Love, goes hand in hand with eating good quality fresh living foods, drinking lots of quality fresh water and vibrant health.
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Natural Sweeteners offer Healthier Choices
Natural sweeteners are generally used in raw recipes, here are some ideas that you may like to try.
.Blended Fruits
Unlike refined sweeteners, like sugar, blended fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals,and fibre. My favourites are blended dates, bananas, mangoes, apples, figs, raisins & pears. Obviously fruits have a distinctive flavor so use them in raw recipes where the flavor is a welcome addition. Dates have a mild flavor that is easily camouflaged by other ingredients; when soaked & blended they become a great binding agent in raw pie crusts; they are also an excellent sweetener to thicken raw deserts, cakes and sauces.
Rice Syrup
This is made from fermented rice; brown rice syrup contains trace amounts of B Vitamins, potassium, protein, and calcium. Their complex carbs break down slowly providing an ongoing source of energy.
Raw honey contains pollen, enzymes and trace amounts of nutrients. Honey is rapidly absorbed so it increases the blood sugar levels more quickly, so use sparingly for some health issues.
Maple Syrup
Maple syrup is made from the boiled sap of the maple tree. It is 65% sucrose & 35% water. Maple Syrup tends towards a caramel flavor.
Derived from the leaf of the stevia plant, this herb has been used as a sweetener for hundreds of years. It has no calories, no affect on the body's production of insulin & does not elevate blood sugar levels. Only use tiny amounts as it is very sweet; it does have a slight aftertaste a bit like licorice which ca be neutralised by combining 1 part stevia with 12 parts xylitol.
Xylitol is anti microbial & it inhibits yeast.Xylitol is found in fibrous vegetables and fruits like plums, rasberries and cauliflower as well as in corn cobs.It has a GI of 7.
We find agave used in many raw recipes as it does not dominate the flavour you are looking for & sweetly blends well with most ingredients. It is plant derived & whilst varying view points can be found regarding agave, we used it extensively in my training. Please note however that it is considered a stimulant, so I believe, use in moderation.
Dried Fruits
Dried fruits have a stronger distinct flavor but can be used to thicken & bind deserts. Mission Figs complement chocolate, raisins give depth to cracker crusts. When blended with their fresh counter part, they create a thick mousse.Organic is recommended
Coconut Palm Sugar
This is reported to be dehydrated sweet juice of the coconut palm sugar blossoms; it is high in potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron and b vitamins
Yacon Syrup
This is made from the root of the yacon plant. It provides fuel for your intestinal microorganisms & very few calories. It has been used in South America to lower blood sugar.
This listing is far from complete but you can see that sugar does not make my list! Healthier choices are readily available & are always worth considering.
.Blended Fruits
Unlike refined sweeteners, like sugar, blended fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals,and fibre. My favourites are blended dates, bananas, mangoes, apples, figs, raisins & pears. Obviously fruits have a distinctive flavor so use them in raw recipes where the flavor is a welcome addition. Dates have a mild flavor that is easily camouflaged by other ingredients; when soaked & blended they become a great binding agent in raw pie crusts; they are also an excellent sweetener to thicken raw deserts, cakes and sauces.
Rice Syrup
This is made from fermented rice; brown rice syrup contains trace amounts of B Vitamins, potassium, protein, and calcium. Their complex carbs break down slowly providing an ongoing source of energy.
Raw honey contains pollen, enzymes and trace amounts of nutrients. Honey is rapidly absorbed so it increases the blood sugar levels more quickly, so use sparingly for some health issues.
Maple Syrup
Maple syrup is made from the boiled sap of the maple tree. It is 65% sucrose & 35% water. Maple Syrup tends towards a caramel flavor.
Derived from the leaf of the stevia plant, this herb has been used as a sweetener for hundreds of years. It has no calories, no affect on the body's production of insulin & does not elevate blood sugar levels. Only use tiny amounts as it is very sweet; it does have a slight aftertaste a bit like licorice which ca be neutralised by combining 1 part stevia with 12 parts xylitol.
Xylitol is anti microbial & it inhibits yeast.Xylitol is found in fibrous vegetables and fruits like plums, rasberries and cauliflower as well as in corn cobs.It has a GI of 7.
We find agave used in many raw recipes as it does not dominate the flavour you are looking for & sweetly blends well with most ingredients. It is plant derived & whilst varying view points can be found regarding agave, we used it extensively in my training. Please note however that it is considered a stimulant, so I believe, use in moderation.
Dried Fruits
Dried fruits have a stronger distinct flavor but can be used to thicken & bind deserts. Mission Figs complement chocolate, raisins give depth to cracker crusts. When blended with their fresh counter part, they create a thick mousse.Organic is recommended
Coconut Palm Sugar
This is reported to be dehydrated sweet juice of the coconut palm sugar blossoms; it is high in potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron and b vitamins
Yacon Syrup
This is made from the root of the yacon plant. It provides fuel for your intestinal microorganisms & very few calories. It has been used in South America to lower blood sugar.
This listing is far from complete but you can see that sugar does not make my list! Healthier choices are readily available & are always worth considering.
Monday, 4 June 2012
Free Recipes
Cherie Soria, the Director of The Institute of Living Light In the USA is an Internationally known 30 year Raw Food pioneer, Author & Speaker. I am grateful to Cherie & the Institute for supplying me with some of these Recipes whilst I was training as A Gourmet Raw Chef; I hope you Enjoy them. Thank you to those who came up with such delicious combinations & thank you for being willing for me to share these recipes with you all.
Fresh Raw Almond Butter
Yields 2 cups
3 cups almonds, soaked & then dehydrated
Pinch Himalayan Salt
Put the almonds & salt in a food processor with the S blade & process for 5-15 mins until the almonds turn to butter. You can add date paste or honey if you wish to add a sweetner
Stores in the refrigorator for up to 1 month.
All nuts & Pumkin Seeds or other seeds can also be used in the same way
Bon Bon Sauce ( Has a flavour of peanuts)
Yields 1 cup
1/2 cup raw tahini
2 tabs r fresh ginger, grated
2-4 tabs, lemon juice to taste
3 tabs agave
2 tabs tamari
1/2 tea garlic, crushed
purified water as needed
Combine all ingredients in a high powered blender & puree until smooth
Stores in the refrigorator for up to a week
This sauce is beautiful with Asian inspired fresh Vietnamese Salad Rolls or Veggie Wraps
Pineapple Lemongrette
Yields 1 1/2 cups
1 cup dried pineapple soaked for 1 hr in water
1/2 cup olive oil
1 tab lime juice
1 tea hot mustard
1/2 tea Himalayan Salt
1/4 tea powered mustard
1/4 tea pepper
1tea garlic, crushed
Blend all ingredients well, delicious over fruit or a vegetable salad
Stores in the refrigorator for up to 4 days
Red Pepper Remoulade
Yields 2 cups
1 1/2 cups red capsicum, seeded & chopped
1/2 cup pine nuts or cashews, soaked for 2 hrs, rinsed & drained
2 tabs purified water
2 tab lemon juice
2 teas sweet paprika
2 teas hot mustard
1 tea garlic, crushed
1/2 tea onion powder
1/2 tea Himalayan Salt
1/4 tea pepper
Blend until smooth.
Stores in refrigorator for up to 4 days
Delicious over raw quiche, pizza or thinned as a dressing.
Carrot Apple Pineapple Kuchen Cake
Yields 8-9" Cake
4 apples cored & grated, squeeze out excess juice & reserve juice for another use
1 cup dates, pitted & chopped
1 cup dried pineapple, chpped finely
1 cup dried apple chopped finely
3 cups carrots, shredded
1/2 cup shredded dried coconut
2 teas ground cinnamon
1/4 tea ground nutmeg
Hand mix everything together well &then put in the food processor with the S blade, pulse
Do not over process or it will become wet & mushy.
Press mixture into a 8-9" cake tin & chill for at least 1 hr
Stores in an airtight container in the refrigorator for up to 3 days
Raisins or walnuts can be added for variation, & the cake can be frosted with the cashew cream recipe below if desired, & sprinkle with shredded coconut as a garnish
Cashew Cream Frosting
2 1/2 cups presoaked cashews
1 1/2 cups almond milk
3/4 cup agave syrup
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 tab vanilla
1/8 tea salt
3 tabs lecithin
1 cup coconut oil
Blend everything until creamy, 3-5 mins, except the coconut oil & lecithin. When complete add these. Make sure consistency is right for spreading by putting a very small sample in the freezer briefly to cool & set, if still runny add more coconut oil. It should be firm to touch & thickened throughout
Another Recipe for Cashew Cream Frosting is simply using 1 cup of cashew cheese ( recipe below) & combine with 3 tabs agave & 1/4 teas almond essence, chill for 1 hr before frosting the cake
Pecan Pate
Yields 5/8 cup
1 1/2 cups pecans
2 tabs leek or green onion, minced
1 1'2 tabs lemon juice
1/2 tab tamari
1/2 tea garlic powder
1/4 tea Himalayan salt
Place nuts in a food processor fitted with the S blade & process until medium ground. Add other ingredients & pulse, but do not over process.
Add 2 tabs minced parsley & pulse to mix
Store in an airtight container in the refrigorator for up to one week
Cashew Cheese
Yields 2 cups
2 cups cashews, presoaked for 2 hrs
1 or more cups of purified water
1/4 tea probiotic
Blend everything until smooth
Place in a bowl in a warm location to ferment for 8-12 hours
Store in a sealed container in the refrigorator for up to a week. Season or sweeten as desired before using
Zucchini Pasta ( Noodles) with Cashew Dill Sauce
Yields 3 cups
4 Zucchinis
Cashew Dill Sauce
3/4 cup Cashew Cheese ( recipe above)
1 tea nutritional yeast
1 tea light miso
1/2 tea onion powder
1/4 tea garlic powder
1/4 tea Himalayan salt
pinch nutmeg
pinch pepper
2 tabs purified water or more to thin as needed
1 tab fresh dill
For the Pasta Spiralise the zucchini into fine or medium spirals or using a vegetable peeler, peel long broad strips
Sauce place all ingredients in a blender except the dill, blend until smooth & creamy, add the dill & blend only to mix & toss sauce through the zucchini noodles
Leftover sauce can be stored in a sealed jar in the refrigorator for up to a week
Fresh Raw Almond Butter
Yields 2 cups
3 cups almonds, soaked & then dehydrated
Pinch Himalayan Salt
Put the almonds & salt in a food processor with the S blade & process for 5-15 mins until the almonds turn to butter. You can add date paste or honey if you wish to add a sweetner
Stores in the refrigorator for up to 1 month.
All nuts & Pumkin Seeds or other seeds can also be used in the same way
Bon Bon Sauce ( Has a flavour of peanuts)
Yields 1 cup
1/2 cup raw tahini
2 tabs r fresh ginger, grated
2-4 tabs, lemon juice to taste
3 tabs agave
2 tabs tamari
1/2 tea garlic, crushed
purified water as needed
Combine all ingredients in a high powered blender & puree until smooth
Stores in the refrigorator for up to a week
This sauce is beautiful with Asian inspired fresh Vietnamese Salad Rolls or Veggie Wraps
Pineapple Lemongrette
Yields 1 1/2 cups
1 cup dried pineapple soaked for 1 hr in water
1/2 cup olive oil
1 tab lime juice
1 tea hot mustard
1/2 tea Himalayan Salt
1/4 tea powered mustard
1/4 tea pepper
1tea garlic, crushed
Blend all ingredients well, delicious over fruit or a vegetable salad
Stores in the refrigorator for up to 4 days
Red Pepper Remoulade
Yields 2 cups
1 1/2 cups red capsicum, seeded & chopped
1/2 cup pine nuts or cashews, soaked for 2 hrs, rinsed & drained
2 tabs purified water
2 tab lemon juice
2 teas sweet paprika
2 teas hot mustard
1 tea garlic, crushed
1/2 tea onion powder
1/2 tea Himalayan Salt
1/4 tea pepper
Blend until smooth.
Stores in refrigorator for up to 4 days
Delicious over raw quiche, pizza or thinned as a dressing.
Carrot Apple Pineapple Kuchen Cake
Yields 8-9" Cake
4 apples cored & grated, squeeze out excess juice & reserve juice for another use
1 cup dates, pitted & chopped
1 cup dried pineapple, chpped finely
1 cup dried apple chopped finely
3 cups carrots, shredded
1/2 cup shredded dried coconut
2 teas ground cinnamon
1/4 tea ground nutmeg
Hand mix everything together well &then put in the food processor with the S blade, pulse
Do not over process or it will become wet & mushy.
Press mixture into a 8-9" cake tin & chill for at least 1 hr
Stores in an airtight container in the refrigorator for up to 3 days
Raisins or walnuts can be added for variation, & the cake can be frosted with the cashew cream recipe below if desired, & sprinkle with shredded coconut as a garnish
Cashew Cream Frosting
2 1/2 cups presoaked cashews
1 1/2 cups almond milk
3/4 cup agave syrup
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 tab vanilla
1/8 tea salt
3 tabs lecithin
1 cup coconut oil
Blend everything until creamy, 3-5 mins, except the coconut oil & lecithin. When complete add these. Make sure consistency is right for spreading by putting a very small sample in the freezer briefly to cool & set, if still runny add more coconut oil. It should be firm to touch & thickened throughout
Another Recipe for Cashew Cream Frosting is simply using 1 cup of cashew cheese ( recipe below) & combine with 3 tabs agave & 1/4 teas almond essence, chill for 1 hr before frosting the cake
Pecan Pate
Yields 5/8 cup
1 1/2 cups pecans
2 tabs leek or green onion, minced
1 1'2 tabs lemon juice
1/2 tab tamari
1/2 tea garlic powder
1/4 tea Himalayan salt
Place nuts in a food processor fitted with the S blade & process until medium ground. Add other ingredients & pulse, but do not over process.
Add 2 tabs minced parsley & pulse to mix
Store in an airtight container in the refrigorator for up to one week
Cashew Cheese
Yields 2 cups
2 cups cashews, presoaked for 2 hrs
1 or more cups of purified water
1/4 tea probiotic
Blend everything until smooth
Place in a bowl in a warm location to ferment for 8-12 hours
Store in a sealed container in the refrigorator for up to a week. Season or sweeten as desired before using
Zucchini Pasta ( Noodles) with Cashew Dill Sauce
Yields 3 cups
4 Zucchinis
Cashew Dill Sauce
3/4 cup Cashew Cheese ( recipe above)
1 tea nutritional yeast
1 tea light miso
1/2 tea onion powder
1/4 tea garlic powder
1/4 tea Himalayan salt
pinch nutmeg
pinch pepper
2 tabs purified water or more to thin as needed
1 tab fresh dill
For the Pasta Spiralise the zucchini into fine or medium spirals or using a vegetable peeler, peel long broad strips
Sauce place all ingredients in a blender except the dill, blend until smooth & creamy, add the dill & blend only to mix & toss sauce through the zucchini noodles
Leftover sauce can be stored in a sealed jar in the refrigorator for up to a week
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Thanks Everyone for Helping with this Raw Food Event
A Community Event, run by Landcare was held in Uralla on 19th May. I was asked to cater for this, providing raw morning and afternoon teas and a 3 course Raw Gourmet luncheon. We made food for 80 people.Dr. Carole Hungerford was the Speaker for the day, a woman on a mission to educate Doctors, patients & the wider community about a nutrition-based approach to healthy living.
I was most grateful to have Eloisa, Pamela, Joy, Teresa, Vanessa, Annie and Matthew help me, such a gift and a big thank you everyone.

Thanks Peter for taking these photos on the day.
Monday, 7 May 2012
Living Raw with Susan
I am on an exciting journey of self-discovery & in January 2012 I was fortunate enough to learn a lot about the benefits of incorporating more Raw Living Foods into my daily diet; I actually trained as a Gourmet Raw Chef in America during this period, something that still feels very strange & odd when I mention it to anyone! (I’m exploring this emotion!)
You see, it is not really about the food or the training, it is about loving myself, honouring the amazing body God gifted me & recognising all Her absolute gifts that have always been there; everywhere I look I see the total abundance of everything my body needs to stay healthy and all supplied in its delicious, natural state; choosing to be humble, seek truth & eat freshly grown living foods is like writing my own script for life.
I am now discovering the interconnection between my emotions, Love of God &myself & the foods I am drawn to eat. I had this thought to-day, that Raw Emotions & Raw Food actually go hand in hand & when I am not stuffing down my emotions with food (especially cooked food), magic is in the air! ......I have any number of “friends” in the Spirit world who have the same addictions as myself & delight in my reluctance to address my emotions at any given time.....at which point I find myself actually unconscious about the food choices I then make! These “so called friends” love dairy especially cream, butter & cheese, coffee, bread, hot foods & sugar laden delicacies! Shall I say, “They are definitely not Raw Foodies” but they are gifts none the less, as they let me know instantly that there is something I am Not feeling when I desire to eat these foods!
When I am feeling all of my emotions, there becomes a certain romance to it all! Love of God, Love of myself & Soul Mate & Love of life & food that tantalises every tastebud! ....and I must add...a deep Love & appreciation of nature & the miracles I see in the Creation.
Watching my sunflower seedling sprouts burst through the soil recently with my grandchildren, reminded me of just how awesome our Creator really is.......hearing the snap of cutting open a cold fresh watermelon with juice running everywhere on the bench, inhaling the citrus fragrance of peeling an orange, tasting a freshly picked
peach with the juice dripping out of my mouth, or seeing the vibrancy of freshly shredded carrots...I am amazed at how excited I can become about carrots! I think I may have discovered one of my passions....preparing & eating delicious raw living foods, sharing my passion & knowledge with others &the pure joy associated with this; I feel such gratitude for God’s gifts & a childlike sense of amazement when I finally manage to break open a fresh coconut! Not one of my recently acquired skills I might add!
I have always made food for others, lots of it in fact but I also have to admit that in the past it was about jumping through the hoops to please others & receive love from them! Throughout my life I have had so many addictions & unloving expectations about pleasing others, in order to get something in return, especially to receive love & acknowledgement ....... pretty ugly, eh?
This time my new found passion feels different, it’s like poetry or music, a dance between God & myself & the interconnectedness of all living things, including food.
With this in mind I would like to share a recipe for you to enjoy.
I always try & balance sweet, sour, salty, pungent & bitter flavours in any recipe along with healthy fats.
As an example try this Savory Smoothie:
Bitter- Use kale, bok choy, English spinach or Cos lettuce, parsley, cucumber & basil as a choice of greens.
Sour- add the juice of 1⁄2 lemon or lime to balance the bitterness of the greens
Salty- Add a stalk or two of celery
Sweet- add 1 or 2 tomatoes or sweet fruits, mango,
Sweet- add 1 or 2 tomatoes or sweet fruits, mango,
apple, orange, stone fruit, banana
Creamy healthy fat- add 1/2 an avocado or soaked nuts
Pungent- select a herb like ginger, garlic, turmeric, onion
powder, cayenne, chilli......but with due diligence!
Your own creativity is the only limitation. Blend with some ice & Enjoy!
Perhaps you too, might like to have fun creating vibrant health through feeling your emotions & incorporating more fresh living foods in your daily diet.
Love Susan
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