Wednesday 26 December 2012


Time to share some recent personal insights into the wonderful aspect of food selection.
I have recently noticed that what I eat when I commence my day, tends to set the tone for food choices throughout the rest of the day. I have been observing in myself what happens when I am perhaps in a rush in the morning, and have cereal or even toast for breakfast;
I justify it sometimes by feeling I need a change from a green smoothie or healthy juice, or I don't feel like making the effort to make something different for myself when others are eating toast, eggs & coffee. My feelings are....anything for some carbs to dull my senses right now, not to have to explain the healthy choice I am making & simply to be like everyone else!
 I have recognized that toast & cereal definitely sets the tone then for my day, with often a sandwich for lunch followed by pasta, rice or potatoes with dinner ! Humm!
Needless to say, a day of skipping over my emotions as well!
There is a lot in this for me......  I suggest no co-incidence that health & well being are low on my self love list that day, in fact sadly "love & appreciation of my body" has been very low on my priority list for many years!
The same applies when I start my day with a veggie or green juice, perhaps a smoothie or even a fruit salad. By lunch time I am far more likely to automatically put together a nice fresh mixed salad with perhaps a few soaked almonds, or even dive into some hummus & crudites; dinner comes around & I find myself feeling like a veggie soup or lightly steamed veggies, perhaps even followed by a small slice of Raw Desert. What a revelation to consciously truly "feel" the difference in my body after a day of eating this way !
Every cell is singing " thank you!"
I have been reflecting on my emotional state and the association between this & the food choice I make in that moment. Healthy choices walk hand in hand with being humble & feeling my emotions, this I now know as truth for me.  Generally when I am in resistance or fear, I head for the carbs to stuff down those uncomfortable feelings, or I eat for the sake of eating rather than actually being hungry!
I have found it worth experimenting to see if I eat when the clock says I should because lunch is normally between 12md & 1pm, or do I only eat when the body says it is hungry. I have discovered I usually eat as a result of life's patterning & using food to dull my senses is a great way to avoid anger, grief or whatever emotion I don't want to feel in that moment. Many times I am not hungry at all or I am thirsty rather than actually hungry!
More recently I am drawn to eat only twice a day, about 10am & 3-4pm, it doesn't always work out this way but my body appreciates it more when I do this.
To give you an often do you reach for the chocolate or in my case, cheese(!) because you feel you need a treat or are longing for some food associated with nurturing or child-like familiarity; as a child my Mum always served desert  to complete Dinner, she said it wasn't a proper meal without desert! So what does this tell me now about my beliefs?
 Perhaps you reach for the coffee pot first thing in the morning to wake yourself up or later in the day to gain some instant energy! All these addictions become so entrenched.  Even gaining an understanding of this does not always break the habit; I still often breeze through the day in numb ignorance choosing to totally ignore  the consequences and the choices I am making, both physically & at soul level! But  I am also discovering IGNORANCE IS NOT BLISS!!
 Our behavior does catch up with us, so please consider not leaving it as late as I have to discover all this.
Your body will thank you for the gift.

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