Monday 24 September 2012

All Creatures Great & Small

I recently attended an Environment Day on our property led by our wonderful Teachers, Mary & Jeshua.It proved to be a very insightful morning; it was a painful awakening to emotionally understand & admit how we have such expectations & demands on all living things to sustain us, and yet we do not consider the consequences of taking from the Earth constantly; Despite the fact that we apply lots of mulch & compost to our home garden to improve the soil, I now recognise in myself my own demands and expectations from our veggie patch and how upset I become if the produce isn't ready to pick on time, has little taste & flavour or some insect or grub has stolen from the perfection I am expecting to harvest! How often are we able to simply give to the land and our environment without any expectation of reward? How often do we consider the Universe of creatures, insects, fungi, bacteria, & microbes and provide homes, food & shelter for them to multiply & live in harmony with everything else; I even had a vision of all these little creatures ducking for cover when the pesticides, natural, organic or otherwise, come out to eliminate "undesirables" as we view them, in our veggie patches! Or do we squash them as we pick them from the vine or tree, without thought?
 I found to reflect on my motive in giving to the land in relation to receiving from it, a sobering introspection. I suggest that the balance is generally swayed totally towards what we can get from the land ( in most cases, our veggie garden) in the quickest possible time & with the least input, whether it be labour or cost related. I reflected on my impatience, my demands and expectations of the rewards in store and my lack of trust in God's abundance. The pressure we place on the Nature Kingdom to perform and our disappointment when it doesn't or rather can't because of man's ignorance, is quite overwhelming. If only we recognised that in giving and creating total Living self sustaining Eco Systems from the soil up, all else would be provided in inconceivable abundance automatically.
I have even had to consider and feel my own unlovingness in mowing my lawns, an ignorant and arrogant addiction in believing I can make things look better than God can! Oh whow......just think of all the little creatures trying to establish their colonies that I destroy without a thought, in the process. To say I feel mortified intellectually in this realisation, is an understatement, but in my heart I remain in conflict at this point, and  try to justify to myself the benefits of a tidy well kept property....the thought of grass up to my ears around our home is daunting to put it mildly, I argue with myself that there must be a balance somewhere in all of these reflections, and that this is simply taking things too far!! Perhaps my bartering techniques with my Creator need to be escalated in order to stay addicted to my old belief systems!! 
This takes Raw Living Foods to a whole new level of appreciation and love, doesn't it? 
Each of us may choose to consider these things and recognise the opportunity for us to change our ways & grow in Love & Appreciation of All Creatures Great & Small. It's in changing our hearts, that magic happens; I like to believe I embrace change, but have recently discovered that there is an element of "it has to be on my terms" which challenges this belief in myself !
Anyone wishing to explore ideas from the Environment Day in Pictures,
 may do so at    

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