Sunday 17 June 2012

Natural Sweeteners offer Healthier Choices

Natural sweeteners are generally used in raw recipes, here are some ideas that you may like to try.

.Blended Fruits
Unlike refined sweeteners, like sugar, blended fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals,and fibre. My favourites are blended dates, bananas, mangoes, apples, figs, raisins & pears. Obviously fruits have a distinctive flavor so use them in raw recipes where the flavor is a welcome addition. Dates have a mild flavor that is easily camouflaged by other ingredients; when soaked & blended they become a great binding agent in raw pie crusts; they are also an excellent sweetener to thicken raw deserts, cakes and sauces.

Rice Syrup
This is made from fermented rice; brown rice syrup contains trace amounts of B Vitamins, potassium, protein, and calcium. Their complex carbs break down slowly providing an ongoing source of energy.

Raw honey contains pollen, enzymes and trace amounts of nutrients. Honey is rapidly absorbed so it increases the blood sugar levels more quickly, so use sparingly for some health issues.

Maple Syrup
Maple syrup is made from the boiled sap of the maple tree. It is 65% sucrose & 35% water. Maple Syrup tends towards a caramel flavor.

Derived from the leaf of the stevia plant, this herb has been used as a sweetener for hundreds of years. It has no calories, no affect on the body's production of insulin & does not elevate blood sugar levels. Only use tiny amounts as it is very sweet; it does have a slight aftertaste a bit like licorice which ca be neutralised by combining 1 part stevia with 12 parts xylitol.


Xylitol is anti microbial & it inhibits yeast.Xylitol is found in fibrous vegetables and fruits like plums, rasberries and cauliflower as well as in corn cobs.It has a GI of 7.

We find agave used in many raw recipes as it does not dominate the flavour you are looking for & sweetly blends well with most ingredients. It is plant derived & whilst varying view points can be found regarding agave, we used it extensively in my training. Please note however that it is considered a stimulant, so I believe, use in moderation.

Dried Fruits
Dried fruits have a stronger distinct flavor but can be used to thicken & bind deserts. Mission Figs complement chocolate, raisins give depth to cracker crusts. When blended with their fresh counter part, they create a thick mousse.Organic is recommended

Coconut Palm Sugar
This is reported to be dehydrated sweet juice of the coconut palm sugar blossoms; it is high in potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron and b vitamins

Yacon Syrup
This is made from the root of the yacon plant. It provides fuel for your intestinal microorganisms & very few calories. It has been used in South America to lower blood sugar.

This listing is far from complete but you can see that sugar does not make my list! Healthier choices are readily available & are always worth considering.

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