Monday 22 July 2013

Chia, a highly prized Ancient Mayan Food Source


Chia Seeds are black & white edible seeds that come from a desert plant which is part of the sage/mint family. Chia is generally regarded as a whole grain & has been considered by many to be one of the healthiest whole foods in the world. The grain dates back to Ancient Mayan times & the word Chia means "strength". This little seed  supported the Mayans in maintaining good health & supplied mega energy for their people in walking long distances, running messages, working hard in the fields or even fighting neighbouring tribes! They often carried it in a small pouch to sustain them for hours at a time. Chia was definitely considered a staple for the Incas, Mayans & Aztec Cultures & the Native Americans of the South West.
Chia seeds are made up of four components....fiber, protein, omega3 essential fatty acids & various antioxidants. It also has quite a high iron, potasium & calcium content. This little seed holds key nutritional & health benefits, rebuilding cells, boosting your immunity & providing a steady healthy flow of high energy rather than the false levels that caffeine or sugar may give you.
The fiber content helps slow down the body's breakdown of carbohydrates into blood sugar, & acts as roughage, promoting healthy digestion.
The beauty of these super seeds is the sheer amount of goodness that can be crammed into a tiny seed. Their most unique property is their ability to absorb 10 times their own weight in liquid. This makes a low calorie  gel which is open to taking on the flavor of choice to a large extent; chia is thought to repress hunger& as it  is full of goodies, many claim you are less likely to crave fatty, sugary or starchy foods when including it in your everyday diet.
Some say Chia has a slight nutty flavor, although I find it fairly bland so you can add it to almost any dish & most people never notice it.I have seen Chia sprinkled over a salad or main meal on occasion which adds a crunch to the texture of the recipe.
I incorporate a tablespoon into my smoothie, a juice, into a salad dressing, a pie crust, or into a biscuit or cracker & often substitute it for flax seed in many of my Raw Food recipes. Juices in particular are quite quickly digested & Chia will slow down the absorption rate of nutrients.
Two tablespoons (130 calories) of Chia provides 4.8 grams of omega 3 & 1.6 grams of omega 6 which is enough omega 3 for your entire day. It also contains 9.2 grams of fibre & 4.4 grams of protein. Consider including 1 tablespoon in your morning breakfast & perhaps the same in some form for lunch or dinner & you will have a very healthy & beneficial addition to any diet.

 You may like to try this Chia Recipe & see what you think.

Basic Gel Recipe. 1/3 cup Chia to 2 cups liquid....the liquid can be anything from water to nut milks to veggie or fruit juice. If you wish, water or nutmilk Chia gels keep in the refrigerator for at least 2 weeks or more ready for many uses at a moments notice.

I often have a Chia Cereal for breakfast, particularly in the winter.

 I use 4-5 tablespoons of Chia Seed to 2 cups of warm almond or coconut milk. I can then fold in some fruit ( I love raspberries or blueberries)  & perhaps some raisins (or another sweetener of choice eg, honey or maple syrup) & top it off with some banana, cacao nibs & perhaps some walnuts or soaked almonds.......Yum !!. I let it sit for 15mins or so before adding some extra nut milk which can be warmed in winter. It can also be kept in the refrigerator overnight so it is ready for  breakfast "on the go".
 My husband & I find this a delicious & very sustaining breakfast keeping us going for many hours.
Other Options: Try Cacao Mint, Cacao & Avocado, Chocolate Orange with a little Cayenne/or Chili or Apple & Cinnamon for a wonderful Desert. Any other combination that appeals to you will probably work equally well.

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