Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Infinite Possibilities

veggies in a basket     
I have found that the more I nourish my body with life giving foods, the better I feel about myself & the more likely I am to embrace my passions & desires with inspiration, renewed energy & enthusiasm.  It may be worth asking yourself "what am I doing to nourish my body today?

I saw this verse below written again in a recent publication & it reminded me that in my late teens I had this verse on my wall & it literally became  my mantra! I just love & embrace these words of wisdom;

 I believe them to be so true, but now I see the importance of first releasing any emotions I may have of inadequacy and fear  that " my Soul is actually powerful beyond measure", so I can humbly & truly "go for it"!  From my relatively limited experience at this point, I know that this emotional work opens the doorway to infinite possibilities; when we embrace our passions and desires, our Soul & the Universe  rise up in celebration & the Universe opens limitless doors for us to succeed.

 You probably know the other famous speech given by Dr. Martin Luther King that commences....."I have a dream"........so powerful, when emotionally we are ready to take action with a healthy body, mind and soul, and embrace Divine Love, Truth & Humility in all that we do.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous? Actually who are you NOT to be?

Your playing small doesn't serve the world
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that
other people won't feel insecure around you

We are born to manifest the glory of the spirit that is within us,
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others"                          Nelson Mandela

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe."  Anatole France

Friday, 26 April 2013

So what is a Vegan?

This post is purely presented for your consideration. I myself remain not totally Vegan in my food choices all of the time, but I note that it is becoming a natural progression, as I embrace more & more Divine Truth in my daily life.

What is a Vegan?

Apple Earth

So what is a vegan? The simple answer is that a vegan is someone who does not eat meat, eggs or dairy. In a restaurant how often is the question from the waiter, so you can eat fish...(.my answer is usually "no...nothing with eyes & a face! This generally makes it easier for others to quickly get the overall understanding, which is a sufficient explanation around a dinner table!) But there is so much more to it than that.
First, let's start with a little background information.  There is a growing concern among many that consumption of dairy and eggs is as unethical as is the consumption of meat, whilst others definitely feel this is a fact.

"...our present civilization is built on the exploitation of animals, just as past civilizations were built on the exploitation of slaves, and we believe the spiritual destiny of man is such that in time he will view with abhorrence the idea that men once fed on the products of animals' and their bodies..."

So although the original answer to the question  "What is a vegan?" is largely based on an ethical refusal to exploit animals, there is also a strong sense in more recent years that nutritionally the consumption of animal products are not healthy choices. 

Fast forward to 2005 and the publication of The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, professor emeritus of nutritional biochemistry at Cornell University. Dr. Campbell's unprecedented study spanned over 20 years and involved data collected on over 6500 human test subjects - The findings were incredible. Dr. Campbell and his colleagues were able to show a very powerful connection between the consumption of animal proteins and the development of disease in humans.
In particular, Dr. Campbell discovered that casein, the protein found in dairy, is particularly correlated with tumor development. The China study was actually able to show that tumor growth could be turned on and off by introducing or withdrawing casein from the diet.

( Please note that I personally feel there is far more to this study by Dr Campbell than just diet....I have come to understand that the growth of tumors & all illnesses are emotionally based, created by the Soul, through living out of harmony with God's Laws. It is interesting that the Medical profession continues to connect food choices  largely with illness & has endless studies & data to support this.  From my personal perspective, I do believe that healthy food choices are part of loving ourselves, & continuously supporting & honoring the body & our environment; this becomes even more vital if healing is required, whilst the emotions associated with the illness, are being addressed. Greatly simplifying it, the emotional issue is the cause of why we make the unhealthy food & lifestyle choices in the first place...... I am not a Medical Doctor however and one's journey to health is a personal responsibility so I am only presenting additional aspects you may or may not wish to consider. There is additional information on this subject available on www.divinetruth.com under the FAQ segment, if you wish to look into it further.)

 To complete this Post....
Veganism is not just a diet, but a choice to live more consciously; this has gradually caught on and veganism has now spread worldwide. I was surprised recently just how many Raw Food & Vegan choices are popping up on menus in many restaurants around the Country.
So what is a vegan then? A vegan is someone who chooses to live in harmony with the earth and its creatures rather than in supremacy over it/them. Vegans make conscious choices every day, most decide to:
  • eat only plant-based foods
  • insure that the plant-based foods they eat have not been exploited using genetic modification or poisonous chemicals
  • promote green consciousness and sustainable living
  • Many vegans will not use any animal products which include cosmetics, leather shoes & clothing etc. These choices often result in more research for the required article.

Vegan Nutrition Food Pyramid

When you switch to any diet, you need to understand the nutritional gains and losses. Vegan nutrition is no different. Whilst your body will now be enjoying the change in diet, whole foods, the variety and quantity is important to staying healthy. 

This Food Pyramid I found on the Internet, so I apologize for it not being very clear. 

  • Vegetables and Fruit (41%)
  • Whole grains (33%)
  • Non-meat proteins, oils, natural sweetners, salt & condiments, nuts, etc. (26%)

Are you worried about a lack of variety or a very common question...where do I get my protein? These are all Fear based emotions and you will find that once you address the fear, in other words truly Feel it & understand that it originated most probably from belief systems placed on us by others, that in becoming a vegan  your health will actually improve and the body will not be lacking in any nutritional way! 
You may be surprised at how many different options you have when you start to research the kinds of food that make up the different nutritional groups. With the range of foods available now, you can even think outside your traditional cuisine or you can consider more Raw Living Food Recipes where the choices become extraordinary.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Pure Fresh Drinking Water...A Gift from the Heavens

Easy Fruit & Herb Flavored Water
            With thanks to Monica for this lovely picture & her Spa Water Ideas

No conversation about healthy living is complete without mentioning the importance of clean drinking water. Water is one of Nature's most important gifts to mankind; water is essential to life and we cannot survive without it  for more than about 5 days. Spring water & running fresh streams are great choices as these contain many minerals collected as the water seeps/ passes through the soil, reeds & rock formations.                                      
Just to give you a brief overview...the human brain is 75% water, our bodies 70+% & our blood 83%. We regularly loose fluids through urination, perspiration &  breathing, & it is vital that we regularly replace these fluids everyday, so that our bodies can rid themselves of waste through the kidneys & bowel & replenish spinal fluid & cells, hydrate our organs, & support the lymph system. Water is necessary for healthy digestion, beautiful skin, bright clear eyes, lubricated joints & the absorption of food; it prevents fatigue & boosts energy; water supplies oxygen & nutrients to the cells & muscles. Drinking pure fresh water determines the quality of our lives, it helps the body metabolize & maintain an ideal weight. Tap water without a filter, may not be an ideal choice as Councils add chlorine & chemicals to kill off bacteria. Always be aware of where your water is sourced as it can make you sick as well as healthy.
We may tend to take water for granted, it bathes & feeds us & drinking 2-3 litres a day is highly recommended.  Pure is best, but if you happen to be one of those people who find drinking more than a couple of glasses difficult to consume, here are some delicious ideas that may encourage you to increase your daily intake of this precious life giving fluid. It will certainly beat all carbonated fizzy drinks, Colas & all drinks laden with sugar, like many processed fruit & veggie juices & drinks like coffee with milk & sugar added.

Fruit...2 cups berries, citrus, melon or pineapple, most fruits work
Herbs... a sprig of mint, basil, sage, rosemary,thyme or lavender
Water & Ice

General Directions for any fruit or herb combo
In a Large Jug or Jar
Always bruise the herb leaves a little first to bring out the flavor but don't pulverise into bits.
Press the fruits with a wooden spoon in the jug, just enough to bring out some of the juice
Fill the jug with ice & add the water
This will keep in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

These combinations can be fun to try;
ALL CITRUS ( no herbs) Slice 1 orange, 1 lime & 1 lemon in rounds
RASPBERRY LIME (no herbs) Juice of 2 limes & add the squeezed quarter pieces,2 cups Raspberries
PINEAPPLE MINT 2 cups fruit & a large sprig Mint ( leaves removed)
BLACKBERRY SAGE 2 cups fruit & sprig of Sage
WATERMELON ON ROSEMARY 2 cups watermelon cubes & a sprig of Rosemary